The Trouble with Hating You (#1) by Sajni Patel
What happens: Liya is a biochemical engineer married to her work. Even though she is fine being single, her parents are not. Ambushed one night at a family dinner, a blind date goes wrong with Liya escaping before dinner is served. Jay is a lawyer who would do anything for his family even if that means being set up on a blind date where the girl flees. When Liya and Jay are forced to work together, sparks fly, and they begin to not hate each other. Will Jay help Liya realize life isn’t all about work? Will Liya get Jay to loosen up his overprotectiveness?
Why you might like it: A great read for those who love enemies to lovers. Jay and Liya have great chemistry and their banter is comical. Liya is in the STEAM field, and it was refreshing to read about a woman engineer.